March 24, 2023
PRESSURE TESTS: a guarantee of reliability.

The pressure test of a product consists in its installation, by simulating the real conditions it will face during its functioning. The test is about a series of procedures with the aim of declaring the product conformity.

ARTEN regularly tests new models of manwaydoors and manholes. These tests consist in pressure testing with the use of a liquid (hydraulic test).

Before making the test, we always verify the endurance and stability of the support structures, based on the additional load produced by the fluid intake. ARTEN uses some test benches, which are built specifically for each product.

The test takes place by inflating the test bench thanks to a hydraulic pump which pushes the fluid inside. The pressure value declared by ARTEN is always tested for excess, so we can guarantee the maximum safety to our customers.

Recently, we have been testing some new products that will be on catalogue in the near future. We will reveal some technical details soon, stay tuned!